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We know. We know. A church with a menu!!?? 

But it makes perfect sense doesn't it?! You're checking us out to see what we're all about and what kind of ministry we offer kind of like you check out the menu of the new coffee shop, brewery, or pop up restaurant. So. Here you go. Our menu. Simple. To the point.


Jawbone Hill Weekly looks a little different than your mainline

church because our weekly ministry happens in circles rather than

rows; in homes rather than a venue. We call these "house churches"

our Together Groups.


We have four weekly groups that meet​

consistently that we would love to welcome

you to. The two Co-Ed groups are made up of

singles, marrieds, and families. The mens group

and the ladies group provide a unique fit for

people in all seasons of life including super busy

families who keep a tight evening schedule.


Click Here for More on Together Groups


This is the Sunday service you were looking for but so much more than you were expecting. Each month, these service events will be your go to for engaging worship and a relevant message that connects faith and life in a meaningful way. 


JBH KIDS will be in session. 


Approximately 90 minutes followed by our
"After Party," a time of fun in community.





Announcing Soon...


Each quarter we will plan special services, events, city outreach, and forums in what we call Jawbone Hill Seasonally. Our ministry adopted a seasonal approach in 2018 that allows us to plan and prepare for what Jesus has placed on our immediate horizon of the next 3 months. So each quarter (or season) we will invite you to get involved in faith building opportunites.



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